
ペロブスカイト型サーモクロミック窓で建物のエネルギー負荷と二酸化炭素排出量を削減(News Release: Perovskite-Based Thermochromic Windows Reduce Energy Load and Carbon Emission in Buildings)


NREL、ビルの省エネに理想的なペロブスカイト型技術の計算と製造に成功 NREL Calculates and Fabricates Perovskite-Based Technology With Ideal Transition Temperatures for Building Energy Savings

2023-02-09 米国国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)



このプロジェクトの主任研究員であるLance Wheelerは、サーモクロミック窓に切り替えることで、年間かなりのエネルギーを節約することができると述べています。また、シミュレーションしたオフィスビルの従業員全員が、アメリカ人の平均的な通勤距離に合わせて電気自動車を運転した場合、年間を通じて毎日、従業員全員の車をフル充電できるエネルギー量になるそうです。

◆この成果は、『Advanced Energy Materials』誌に掲載された論文に詳述されています。NRELからの共著者は、Bryan Rosales, Janghyun Kim, Kevin Prince, Mirzo Mirzokarimov, Tom Daligault, Adam Duell, Colin Wolden, and Laura Schelhasです。他の共著者は、コロラド鉱山学校、ウィスコンシン大学スタウト校、スイフトソーラー社です。









理想的な転移温度を持つサーモクロミックハライドペロブスカイトウィンドウ Thermochromic Halide Perovksite Windows with Ideal Transition Temperatures

Bryan A. Rosales, Janghyun Kim, Vincent M. Wheeler, Laura E. Crowe, Kevin J. Prince, Mirzo Mirzokarimov, Tom Daligault, Adam Duell, Colin A. Wolden, Laura T. Schelhas, Lance M. Wheeler

Advanced Energy Materials  Published: 06 February 2023


ペロブスカイト型サーモクロミック窓で建物のエネルギー負荷と二酸化炭素排出量を削減(News Release: Perovskite-Based Thermochromic Windows Reduce Energy Load and Carbon Emission in Buildings)


Urban centers across the globe are responsible for a significant fraction of energy consumption and CO2 emission. As urban centers continue to grow, the popularity of glass as cladding material in urban buildings is an alarming trend. Dynamic windows reduce heating and cooling loads in buildings by passive heating in cold seasons and mitigating solar heat gain in hot seasons. Here, reduced energy consumption in highly glazed buildings in a mesoscopic building energy model is demonstrated when thermochromic windows are employed. Savings are realized across eight disparate climate zones of the United States. The model is used to determine ideal critical transition temperatures of 20–27.5 °C for thermochromic windows based on metal halide perovskite materials. Ideal transition temperatures are realized experimentally in composite metal halide perovskite films composed of perovskite crystals and an adjacent reservoir phase. The transition temperature is controlled by cointercalating methanol, instead of water, with methylammonium iodide and tailoring the hydrogen-bonding chemistry of the reservoir phase. Thermochromic windows based on metal halide perovskites represent a clear opportunity to mitigate the effects of energy-hungry buildings.
