


2025-03-14 産業技術総合研究所



産業技術総合研究所(産総研)の研究チームは、水資源の持続可能な利用限界(プラネタリー・バウンダリー)を考慮し、金属などの地殻資源の生産許容量を推定する新たな手法を開発しました。 従来、地殻資源の生産許容量は埋蔵量に依存すると考えられていましたが、今回の手法では生産に必要な水資源の利用可能量を制約としています。その結果、対象とした32種の資源のうち25種が、現在の生産量で既に生産許容量を超えていることが明らかになりました。特に、脱炭素技術で需要が増加すると予測される銅は、2010年時点で生産量の37%が既に許容量を超過しており、早急な対策が必要とされています。この成果は、再生可能エネルギーや蓄電技術の普及を支援し、資源利用効率やリサイクル性の向上、代替資源の探索などの政策立案に役立つと期待されています。


地域の水利用可能性に制約された地質資源生産 Geological resource production constrained by regional water availability

Kamrul Islam, Keitaro Maeno, Ryosuke Yokoi, Damien Giurco, […], and Masaharu Motoshita

Science  Published:13 Mar 2025

Editor’s summary

Mineral production is key to our global economy, with new technologies creating higher demand for many minerals. However, large amounts of water are required for mining and processing, which could limit mineral production in some locations. Islam et al. evaluated these constraints using published data on mineral production and water requirements for different minerals, coupled with regional water-carrying capacities from a hydrologic model. They found that mineral production exceeds water resources in many regions because of high production or low water availability. Coal, iron, copper, and gold showed some of the highest overconsumption, coal because of its high production rates and the metals because they require more water to process. Water requirements for mineral production are expected to increase in the future. —Bianca Lopez


Although the global economy requires geological resource mining, production has substantial environmental impacts, including the use of regional available water. In this study, we shed light on the global production capacity of 32 mined geological resources, considering regional water availability as a constraint. We found that current resource mining greatly exceeds regional water constraints for several, notably copper (37% of current production exceeds available water capacity) in 2010. Changing the location of production to regions of lower water stress would alleviate current exceedances of water constraints; however, considering economic factors shows that this is not always feasible. Future demand for geological resources is expected to require a considerable increase in water consumption. Considering the constraints of water resources in geological resource production is crucial for sustainability.
