
フラッキングと別の揺れとの関連研究(Study ties fracking to another type of shaking)


石油採掘が揺れの引き金に Oil extraction practice triggers tremors

2023-08-10 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

フラッキングと別の揺れとの関連研究(Study ties fracking to another type of shaking)

Fracking is a technique for fracturing rocks by a pressurized liquid. The goal is to create cracks in rock formations through which natural gas or petroleum can be transported to the surface. (selvanegra/iStock/Getty)





流体噴射中の震動信号は断層すべりによって発生する Tremor signals during fluid injection are generated by fault slip

Shankho Niyogi,Abhijit Ghosh,Abhash Kumar, and Richard W. Hammack

Science  Published:3 Aug 2023


Editor’s summary

Volcanoes and glaciers have seismic tremors that are caused by fluid movement or other frictional processes. Niyogi et al. found that tremors with very similar characteristics also occurred during a supercritical carbon dioxide injection program in Kansas. After carefully subtracting background noise, the authors found tremors located near fault structures in the interior that likely were due to frictional slip. This finding may provide a way to model and track stress distribution in the subsurface during the injection of carbon dioxide or other fluids. —Brent Grocholski


Seismic tremor signals, also known as long-period, long-duration signals, have been reported in several locations where fluid injection for enhanced oil and gas exploration is taking place. However, the origin of these signals remains poorly constrained. We studied seismic tremor signals in Wellington Field, Kansas, using a seismic array during a carbon dioxide injection program. We show that these signals are generated below the surface during the time of carbon dioxide injection. They have a distinct spectral signature, similar to those observed in glacial and volcanic environments. The tremor sources are located near the injection site and aligned with preexisting faults. Modeling results imply that such tremors are generated by frictional slip on fault. These observations may reveal an important deformation mode, which is useful for studying associated stress, seismicity, and triggering, as well as for tracking fault activities during injection operations of all fluids, including supercritical carbon dioxide.

