
環境由来の微生物株を用いたバイオセメントの生産 (Exploring the use of environmental strains for biocement production)


2025-02-19 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校 (EPFL)

EPFLの研究者であり、Medusoil社の共同創設者であるDimitrios Terzis氏は、環境中の細菌株を用いたバイオセメントの生産に関する研究を発表しました。この研究では、スイス・ティチーノ州の農地から採取した50種類の細菌株を分析し、炭酸塩形成に必要な酵素を生成し、発酵可能な株を特定しました。最も有望な株を用いて砂柱を強化する実験では、24時間以内に自立可能な強度を持つことが確認され、生産コストも40%削減できることが示されました。Medusoil社は2024年にヴォー州に年間40万リットルのバイオセメントを生産可能なプラントを開設し、河岸の浸食防止や道路補強などのプロジェクトを展開しています。バイオセメントは、従来のセメントに比べて炭素影響を55%以上低減でき、持続可能な建設業界への転換に寄与すると期待されています。


ペトリ皿を超えるバイオセメンテーション、900Lバッチとメータースケールカラムへのスケールアップ Biocementation beyond the Petri dish, scaling up to 900 L batches and a meter-scale column

Dimitrios Terzis,Camilla Perego,Margherita Cappa,Elisa Pianta,Federica Mauri &Pamela Principi

Scientific Reports  Published:24 January 2025


環境由来の微生物株を用いたバイオセメントの生産 (Exploring the use of environmental strains for biocement production)


Microbial-induced calcite precipitation (MICP), which leverages ureolytic microorganisms, has received significant attention during the past decade as a promising method for sustainable building and geoenvironmental applications. However, transitioning from lab-scale experimentation to volumes suitable for practical use poses challenges. This study addresses these obstacles by screening and analyzing over 50 strains sourced from (i) a natural environment in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland; (ii) microorganism banks; and (iii) an industry-scale bioreactor. Several ureolytic Sporosarcina species have been identified in the natural environment, and their ureolytic potential has been compared with that of other strains. A reference, banked microorganism yielded the highest ureolysis rate. When this latter strain was inoculated in 900 L batches and continuously cultivated at 5400 L, no contamination issues were observed, and the reference strain remained the dominant species. The produced culture, obtained under an optimized medium composition involving the circular valorization of NH4+, was subsequently used to induce the biocementation of a 650 kg column of 0–1 mm sand. The results reveal the successful stabilization of the whole mass, with undrained Tresca strength values ranging from 90 to 140 kPa. This research lays the groundwork for scalable MICP production, which is capable of meeting the demands of real-world building and geoenvironmental projects.

