
持続可能なセメントで、新興企業はギガトンのCO₂ 排出を目指す(With sustainable cement, startup aims to eliminate gigatons of CO₂)


2024-08-09 マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)

古代ローマのセメントは、超高温の焼成を必要とせず、現代でも耐久性があることが示されています。MIT発のスタートアップSublime Systemsは、この古代の方法を参考に、電気化学を用いて従来のポルトランドセメントの代替品を開発しました。この新技術は、従来の製造方法よりも5,000倍効率的で、セメント生産に伴うCO₂排出を大幅に削減します。Sublimeは、2026年までに商業規模の生産を開始し、気候変動対策に寄与することを目指しています。


セメントの電気化学合成に向けて-有用なガス流を生成しながらCaCO3を脱炭酸する電解槽ベースのプロセス Toward electrochemical synthesis of cement—An electrolyzer-based process for decarbonating CaCO3 while producing useful gas streams

Leah D. Ellis, Andres F. Badel, Miki L. Chiang, +1, and Yet-Ming Chiang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:September 16, 2019

持続可能なセメントで、新興企業はギガトンのCO₂ 排出を目指す(With sustainable cement, startup aims to eliminate gigatons of CO₂)


Cement production is currently the largest single industrial emitter of CO2, accounting for ∼8% (2.8 Gtons/y) of global CO2 emissions. Deep decarbonization of cement manufacturing will require remediation of both the CO2 emissions due to the decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO and that due to combustion of fossil fuels (primarily coal) in calcining (∼900 °C) and sintering (∼1,450 °C). Here, we demonstrate an electrochemical process that uses neutral water electrolysis to produce a pH gradient in which CaCO3 is decarbonated at low pH and Ca(OH)2 is precipitated at high pH, concurrently producing a high-purity O2/CO2 gas mixture (1:2 molar ratio at stoichiometric operation) at the anode and H2 at the cathode. We show that the solid Ca(OH)2 product readily decomposes and reacts with SiO2 to form alite, the majority cementitious phase in Portland cement. Electrochemical calcination produces concentrated gas streams from which CO2 may be readily separated and sequestered, H2 and/or O2 may be used to generate electric power via fuel cells or combustors, O2 may be used as a component of oxyfuel in the cement kiln to improve efficiency and lower CO2 emissions, or the output gases may be used for other value-added processes such as liquid fuel production. Analysis shows that if the hydrogen produced by the reactor were combusted to heat the high-temperature kiln, the electrochemical cement process could be powered solely by renewable electricity.

